by Peter Economy
Hackers Attack
Occasional Free Lunch
Up Is Hard to Do
List all
of Peter's columns
I'm gazing at my IP Magic 8 Ball. I give it a shake and ask,
"Oh, Magic 8 Ball, what wisdom do you have for me?" Gradually, a message
rises up from the inky void: "Ask Again Later." Not exactly the answer
I was looking for. I try again and the 8 Ball says, "Peter, IPs
need to know about setting up their home offices. You must tell them
everything you know about home offices. Tell them immediately."
First, the good stuff. Some IPs find that a home office is a great
way to keep the overhead down.Why pay $1,000 a month for an office in
a strip mall 15 miles away when you're already paying for an apartment
or house that you can actually live in? Others do it to take advantage
of the home-office deduction (always a popular reason for my accountant
and me!). A number enjoy reducing their commute from an hour of bumper-to-bumper
frustration to a 15-second walk down the hall. The rest of 'em just
like the idea of spending more time with friends and family.
But working at home isn't always the big bed of roses that it's made
out to be. In fact, it can be pure hell -- the kind of hell that can
cause the quality of your work to sink and your client relationships
to swoosh down the drain. If you think you were stressed working at
a wage-slave job in some cushy little downtown office, you ain't seen
nothing yet! Try making a 5:00 p.m. FedEx deadline for getting an important
report to a client while your two-year-old's trying to jam his Teletubbies
videotape into your computer, or concentrating when your roommate decides
to move this afternoon's rehearsal for her band, the Velvet Tangerines,
into your living room.
Question is: How can you work at home while balancing your work and
your personal life to make everyone happy -- your clients, your
friends, your loved ones, and, perhaps most of all, yourself?
In our hot-off-the-press new book, Home-Based Business For Dummies,
self-employment experts Paul & Sarah Edwards -- and yours truly
-- address this very question. The good news: Not all home offices are
fated to descend into home-office hell. The bad news: It takes work
to make life in your home office a happy one. Here are a few scientifically
proven tips to push you in the right direction:
- Give your home office its own room. If you live all by yourself,
and if there's no reason for your clients to ever visit you at your
office, then it really doesn't matter where you put your home office.
Your kitchen, a spare bedroom, the servant's quarters, the john --
whatever's most comfortable for you will work. But once you fold another
person into the batter, you should give your business a room of its
own. Preferably one with a big lock on it. And if you want
to take the home-office deduction on your federal income tax -- and
believe me, you do -- you'll need to ensure that your home
office and the equipment is used exclusively for business. (Claiming
a home-office deduction on your taxes is like waving a red
flag in front of a cranky bull. Your friendly local IRS agent
will ask a lot of detailed questions about that home office
if you're ever audited.)
- Establish a regular work schedule. One of the few good things
about working for a regular company in a regular office with regular
employees is that work schedules are, well, regular. (That is, they're
generally well-established and widely adhered to.) When moving into
a home office, however, it's easy to find yourself working an hour
here, half an hour there, and so forth. The good news is that since
you're the boss, you can control what happens to you while you work.
And that's exactly what you should do. Establish a consistent work
schedule -- one that makes it more likely that you'll get work done
when it needs to get done -- and stick to it. Once you've established
a schedule, make sure that everyone knows about it, honors
it, and respects it. Not only will you know when it's time
to get the job done, but those around you will know when it's okay
to interrupt you, and when it's clearly not.
- Focus, dammit! The Game Boy in the corner is calling your
name, your favorite soap opera starts at 11:00, you have five auctions
on eBay closing in the next two hours, and you're dying to check out
that online chat with Tom Cruise! How are you supposed to ignore all
these distractions and get any work done? Start by clearing all the
distractions out of your work area. Move the TV out of your office,
tape your soap and watch it after work, and log on to the Internet
only when you're checking your email or doing research for some business
purpose. And get everything off your desk that isn't going to contribute
to whatever project you're working on at the moment. This means lose
the latest issue of your favorite magazine, get rid of that crossword
puzzle from this morning's newspaper, and avoid answering calls to
your regular home phone if you can (you do have a dedicated phone
line for your business, right?).
- Get help! Instead of trying to handle your obligations at
home at the same time you're dealing with your obligations to your
clients, consider getting some extra help. If you find yourself spending
too much time doing laundry or vacuuming the floors, then get a housekeeper
to clean your home and relieve you of the burden. Got kids? Get a
babysitter to come into your home to watch your young children. You
might even farm some
work out to another IP. Can't afford the green to pay for all this
help? Ask your spouse or a friend or relative to cover for you, or
consider bartering
your services in exchange for services that you need. If you do taxes
for a living, then offer to trade some intimate time with their 1040
for some relief on the kid front.
I don't know about your Magic 8 Ball, but mine says that if
you don't already have a home office, there's probably one lurking in
your future. If that's the case then avoid home-office hell by following
the advice I've mentioned above to turn your place of business into
something different -- home-office heaven.